NS Individual Businesses Mask Policies
Linked below you will find a spreadsheet that will be constantly updated as new information is reported. The purpose is to share which businesses will allow entry without a mask on vs those that will require one so you can decide where you would like to shop at based on your feelings towards masks.
As of July 31, NS has implemented a mandatory mask policy in most indoor public places. All businesses must abide by this directive but Dr Strang has made it clear that at this time, there will not be an enforcement policy. As a result of the various physical and mental health reasons why many people are unable to wear a face covering, it's up to individual private businesses to determine how stringent they will be with the new policy. This list is not meant as any kind of statement, and can help those that are for masks just as much as it can help those who are against them or who cannot wear them for medical reasons.
Please feel free to share any information you have on a stores policy based on your own experience and I will update the spreadsheet. I wanted to ensure this link had a home here on the website in the event it gets removed from social media, as we know how that goes sometimes.