I know there have been many questions about the situation at Northwood, including how many people typically die each month, and how many people genuinely died as a result of COVID-19, that would not have otherwise died. I'm not sure we'll ever get the answers to...

May 9 COVID-19 Update

Written by on in tags: COVID-19, Daily Update

Nova Scotia Update: 1 new death 2 new hospitalizations 0 new ICU cases 3 new cases (1011 total) 598 tests done 21 more recoveries (743 total) 221 active cases (-19, 22% of cases are active, 78% are concluded) NS has 1 new deaths today, unfortunately it is again from Northwood....

May 8 COVID-19 Update

Written by on in tags: COVID-19, Daily Update

Nova Scotia Update: 2 new deaths 0 new hospitalizations 0 new ICU cases 1 new case (1008 total) 840 tests done 14 more recoveries (722 total) 240 active cases (-15, 24% of cases are active, 76% are concluded) NS has 2 new deaths today, unfortunately all are again from Northwood....