April 17 COVID-19 Update
Nova Scotia Update:
1 new death
0 new hospitalizations
1 new ICU case
1 more person recovered (177 total)
Still good news for NS but of course it's never pleasant to have to report a new death. NS still has 8x less deaths than the Canadian avg and no trend upwards at all. The 4 deaths were aged in their 70s, 2 in their 80s and 1 in their 90s, 3 from Cape Breton, 1 from Dartmouth.
- NS has 4 deaths, making the death rate 4/1M population
- Canada's rate sitting at 32/1M
- Global rate is 19.1/1M
- US rate is 94/1M
- Austria rate is 46/1M
- Spain is 408/1M
Notable points for today:
- The rate of increase in deaths in Spain is still under 3% and Austria ticked up slightly but still under 5%, which other than yesterday, is as low as it's been.
- The rate of death in Canada did tick up by the largest factor in the last 10 days, where the US decreased again. Further evidence that Europe is beyond the peak but North America still not quite there yet
- Please see my 3 part post from yesterday detailing the ins and outs of the 3 attached graphs
I still am very cautious with these numbers overall since we now know just how liberal the reporting of a COVID-19 death is, though we will likely never know to what extent, so we can only go by the numbers we have. Overall, I'm encouraged by the numbers, but Canada may still have some rough days ahead. Part of that will be because of the more stringent lock down guidelines we have. It will mean our curve is inevitably flatter, but also more gradual meaning our peak won't be near as bad, but will last longer and happen later than other countries.