How To Ensure You Always See inFACT Posts on Facebook
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FACEBOOK CENSORSHIP - Many of you have commented that you rarely see my posts in your news feed anymore and often have to proactively search it out. This is known as being shadow banned by Facebook. To help combat this, there are some settings you can change to help ensure you see my posts more regularly and quickly. If you're interested, please do the following:
- Go to the inFACT Facebook homepage
- On Desktop, click the button with the 3 dots, as shown below then click "Follow Settings"

- Another menu will open up and the first option says "News feed". Below it, the blue dot will likely be next to "Default". Click the dot next to"Favorites" and then click "Update"

- On Mobile click the menu button with 3 dots near the "message" button, then click Following

- Another menu will open up and the first option says "News feed". Next to it the setting will likely say "Default". Click it and change it to "Favorites"

That should move my posts to the top of your news feed