June 18 COVID-19 Update
Nova Scotia Update:
0 new deaths
0 new hospitalizations (2 total)
0 new ICU cases (1 total)
0 new cases (1061 total)
580 tests done
0 new recoveries (997 total)
2 active cases (0.19% of cases are active, 99.81% are concluded)
NS has 0 new deaths today. 53/62 (85%) NS deaths are from Northwood and 57/62 (92%) are from long term care in general (11 different facilities have reported cases, none have an active case). Yesterday, 580 tests were completed with 0 new cases reported. 99.81% of ALL cases since day 1 are now concluded. NS is now at 14 days in a row with no deaths and just 2 new cases overall in the last 14 days, none in the last 9 days. There are just 2 active cases in NS, all outside LTC (both in hospital). Northwood is at 21 days with no new cases.
From the Press Release:
- NS has 62 deaths, making the death rate 62/1M population
- Canada's rate sitting at 220/1M
- Global rate is 58/1M
- US rate is 359/1M
- Austria rate is 78/1M
- *Spain is 578/1M
- Sweden is 493/1M
Notable points for today:
- It's been determined that Spain has effectively put their death rate on hold due to the new reporting system they are using. I will update once I can find out more.
- Austria reports 6 deaths meaning 37/40 days under 0.5% increase as well as the last 18/20 days at/under 0.3%. This was their highest daily death toll since May 6.
- The rate of increase in Canada maintained at 0.5%. This marks 34 days in a row at 2.1% or less including 13 in a row under 1%.
- The US rate of increase reduced slightly to under 0.7%. They are at 34 days in a row under a 2% increase, 24 of them under 1% including the last 19 in a row.
- Sweden's increase was over 2% with their highest death toll since May 16. 34 of the last 40 days are under 2% including the 20/21 days and the last 11/14 under 1%.
**Note I updated the "Daily change in Deaths" graph to show a maximum of 10% so we can more clearly see what's happening currently since the changes are now much lower. I also removed the shading in the "Daily Deaths per 1M Population" graph so we can see the variances between countries better.