June 5 COVID-19 Update - NS LTC vs Outside LTC
0 active cases as per the provincial numbers, yet today during the press conference it was confirmed there are in fact 3 active cases, 2 at Northwood (presumably all in hospital) meaning there is 1 outside LTC. The explanation given was that the data has to be reconciled from time to time and needs to be done again. It may have to do with a couple of cases that arrived from other provinces where they were not tested in NS. My apologies for the graph showing 0 active when there are 3 but it reads the data given. Hopefully they will reconcile the data asap so it's actually accurate. There has not been a new case in Northwood for 1 week now.
Northwood Update:
Facility cases (total): 345 (no change)
Total cases: 246 (no change)
Active cases: 1 (2 less)
Recoveries: 192 (+2 new)
Deaths: 53 (no change)
Total cases: 99 (no change)
Active cases: 1 (no change)
Recoveries: 98 (no change)