May 30 COVID-19 Update - NS LTC vs Outside LTC
18 active cases, 14 at Northwood and 4 outside LTC. Today's death and coinciding reduction of 1 ICU case appears to clarify that there are in fact Northwood residents included in the hospital figures. Also note Northwood is reporting 1 less recovery than yesterday. I have seen them do this before, and by all accounts it's not accurate, but to simply ensure the math works (ie: cases, recoveries, active cases and deaths add up). Since I believe their death data is up to date, but their recovery and case data is a day behind, sometimes they have to fiddle with recoveries to make things work, unfortunately.
Northwood Update:
Facility cases (total): 345 (no change)
Total cases: 246 (no change)
Active cases: 10 (no change)
Recoveries: 183 (1 less)
Deaths: 53 (+1 new)
Total cases: 99 (no change)
Active cases: 4 (no change)
Recoveries: 95 (no change)