May 31 COVID-19 Update - NS LTC vs Outside LTC
15 active cases total, 14 at Northwood and just 1 left outside LTC, though that number could change tomorrow as some of the 3 recoveries today could be Northwood recoveries that won't be reported until tomorrow. It's also curious as in the last 10 days there have been 6 new cases that were not LTC related (and 7 from Northwood) so I am unsure how there isn't at least 6 cases outside LTC.
Northwood Update:
Facility cases (total): 345 (no change)
Total cases: 246 (no change)
Active cases: 10 (no change)
Recoveries: 183 (no change)
Deaths: 53 (no change)
Total cases: 99 (no change)
Active cases: 4 (no change)
Recoveries: 95 (no change)