NS COVID-19 Press Conference - October 28
Today, NS Premier Stephen McNeil and Dr Robert Strang held a press conference to update on COVID-19 in Nova Scotia. Here is the summary:
- Central zone residents can book covid tests online starting today. The rest of province will follow suit in a couple weeks. This will make the entire process more efficient and results will come sooner. 811.ns.ca to do the self-assessment and then can book test online if required. Calling 811 is still an option.
- International students can resume study at federally approved post-secondary institutions in November. 14 day isolation is still applicable and each institution must have a comprehensive plan in place to support this. List of federally designated institutions will be available November 3 for NS institutions. For private K-12 schools, we continue to work with them to allow them to bring in international students.
- Nova Scotians may be thinking about travel to warmer destinations, highlighted by recent stories about an Atlantic-Cuba bubble. What we can learn by the 1st wave, is that the 2nd wave will last 2-3more months and there are no guarantees where NS might be in those coming months. 2021 is still uncertain. Public Health Canada advises against non-essential travel. At this time, 14 day quarantine is still applicable. It's best to plan to stay close to home whilst in the middle of a global pandemic and support the local economy.
- Detailed guidance for safe Halloween protocols is on the NS covid website.
- Guidance on upcoming holidays will be provided closer to the time. That said, we still need to focus on what we can do to keep covid activity low in NS. How we socialize in the immediate future is how we do it safely.