NS Family Bubble
The NS Government just released Clarification on what a family bubble is. In short, you can bubble with anyone, it doesn't have to be immediate family, as long as it's with just one other household and both households agree to be exclusive to one another. So this can be a friend or neighbour. Hopefully this helps the single folks or people without family nearby.
Details from the Province:
"Yesterday, we introduced the Immediate Family Bubble to allow for more social connection safely. It’s up to you to figure out who is in your immediate family bubble. If you don’t have immediate family to bubble with, you can choose one household to be in your immediate family bubble.
Whoever you choose, your two households will have to promise to be mutually exclusive – you can only bubble with each other. This is a first step toward opening up our social networks in a measured way.
When choosing your immediate family bubble, take it slow and make informed decisions. Questions to ask include:
▪️Is anyone sick or showing symptoms that could be COVID-19?
▪️Is anyone at higher risk? (65 or older, especially with underlying health conditions, those with chronic disease or who are immune compromised.)
▪️Does anyone have frequent contact with the general public or have increased risk of exposure to COVID-19 through their job?"