NS Press Conference - November 20
Today, Premier McNeil and Dr Strang held a press conference related to COVID-19. Here is the summary:
- 5 new cases today, all in central zone. 3 are under investigation. We have one more at Auburn High family of schools which are closed today for cleaning. 2 cases now exist at Auburn Drive high school. All follow up testing have come back negative, except 1. We have decided effective immediately that Graham Creighton JH and Auburn High are closing for 2 weeks effective immediately, including the gymnasium to the public. Online learning will bein effect until December 7.
- We are announcing strict measures in the central zone. For 4 weeks, gathering limits are being reduced both in the home and for organized social events. The affected area is - Western half of HRM from Lunenburg to Porters Lake and North to Mount Uniacke and Enfield. It does not include East beyond Porters Lake to Ecum Secum. Map is available on the government website. The following restrictions come into effect on November 23, until December 21 (28 days, 2 incubation periods). Gathering limits are now 5 in these areas. In your home, it can be 5 plus those who live in your home. When outside the home, groups are no more than 5 total. Private, informal gatherings (outdoor) have been reduced from 5o to 25. For organized gatherings, the limits are reduced to 150 from 250. Indoor organized events are now 50% of capacity up to 100 people, down from 200. No change to class sizes, sports limits etc... as the driving factor are currently social situations. These restrictions ONLY impact the described areas of HRM.
- We have a problems with the 18-35 age group. They are living as if COVID-19 doesn't exist.
- Effective Monday, anywhere in NS you have to provide name and phone number for contact tracing in sit down restaurants and bars. Tis information will be kept by the establishment for 4 weeks and will only be used if required for contact tracing. You cannot sit at a table with more than 5 people in central zone.
- More measures are being put into long term care to protect the vulnerable.
- We are at a critical point in NS. It may be too late if we do not act now. This is why we are taking a targeted approach in the central zone. Social gatherings are now fanning the flames of COVID-19 spread and are the main driver. Young adults getting together are driving the spread. Many are going out when they are not feeling well and not respecting the public health measures.
- We do not want to have to shut down the entire province again as we know the impact that has. This is why we are taking a targeted approach to get the spread under control.
- For LTC, in HRM, community based activities/programs are no longer possible starting Nov 23 until Dec 21.
- Restaurant and bar staff in HRM will have testing made available to them, even if they are asymptomatic.
- We are discouraging travel outside the Atlantic Bubble. Limiting travel continues to be a way we can protect one another. There are essential reasons for travel, such as those who have to work outside the bubble, even if they aren't a rotational worker. Customer arrangements require travel, as does specialized healthcare and legal proceedings and students who live elsewhere and need to reconnect with family. In all these cases of necessary travel, the traveler still needs to quarantine for 14 days. There are strict protocols that are being made available. If they can be followed, the rest of the household will not have to undergo the same 14 day quarantine. Details are available on the website. Travelling for any other reason is deemed unnecessary and the traveler and their household will require a 14 day quarantine.