NS Press Conference - October 14
Today, October 14, 2020, Premier McNeil and Dr Strang held a press conference to update on the COVID-19 situation in Nova Scotia. Here is a summary:
- No new cases of COVID-19 in NS. 4 cases are active, all are travel related and none are related to NB
- Borders are not being closed to NB or any other Atlantic Provinces
- COVID Alert app being given one final look in cabinet tomorrow. More info to come
- What we are seeing in NB is a reminder that COVID-19 is still here and can spread quickly. We must remain vigilant
- No community spread has been identified in NB, therefore no changes are being made to border protocols or travel restrictions.
- If you travel to affected regions in NB, please monitor for symptoms and take public health protocols seriously
- Regarding Halloween, it's the adult parties that give me (Strang) more concern than trick-or-treating. Before attending or hosting a party, please assess your own health and risk for disease and make choices based on that. If a host is feeling unwell, the party should not go ahead. Please do not attend a party you have been invited to if you experience any symptoms. Indoor gathering limits remain at 10 without social distancing. Larger community events can have up to 50 people with social distancing, unless it's run by a recognized business which can have 200 indoors or 250 outdoors with distancing (can have groups of up to 10 within these larger groups with no distancing). Events being held at indoor public spaces, masks are required. Halloween masks do not replace a non-medical mask that properly covers the mouth and nose.
- Trick-or-treating - It can happen but it won't be like previous years. If a child is unwell, please do not allow them to go out. Please ensure children are staying at least 6 feet away from other groups of trick or treaters. If you do not wish to participate, that's ok but please make this obvious. Turn out lights, don't have decorations outside etc... Take a pass on a house that has left a self serve bowl of candy out. This is to avoid having multiple hands in the same bowl. Keep your voices low, avoid yelling. Don't put hands on the door knobs or door bells, just a quick knock as the virus is more likely to be on palms vs knuckles. Wash hands frequently, being hand sanitizer with you. Non need to clean or quarantine treats.
- Giving out treats - If you are unwell, don't. If you are choosing not to participate, make it clear (lights out, etc...). Be outside where possible. Sit on your porch, in the driveway etc... Find ways to give out treats so you don't have multiple hands going in the same container. I (Strang) Encourage the use of masks when giving out treats.
- Influenza - We need as many people as possible get the vaccine to minimize any negative impacts on the healthcare system with both flu and covid combined. Don't rush, just try to get it before Christmas.