NS Weekly Press Conference - August 14
Today, NS held their weekly press conference. Present was Dr Robert Strang and Education Minister Zach Churchill. Here are the Cole's notes:
- Mandatory masks in grades 4+ - students are expected to wear masks when not sitting at their desks, facing forward and only if those desks are 2m apart can they be removed. This is based on new guidelines by Public Health Canada who recommends children 10+ to be masked based on evidence that suggests these children are as likely to transmit the virus as adults
- School by school ventilation assessment is currently underway
- All students will receive 2 free cloth masks and disposable masks will be available
- Excel program will be available, details to follow
- Sports details will be available in the future but have been approved as per NS Sport guidelines
- More custodial staff will be hired to allow for additional cleaning
- Funding as been added to allow for more lunch monitors and the extended day for early childhood educators
- No one size fits all solution if there are new cases in schools. They will be dealt with accordingly by public health and any new cases will be revealed to the community
- There will be those with valid medical reasons for not wearing a mask, and those reasons will be respected