October 31 COVID-19 Update
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Nova Scotia Update:
0 new deaths (65 total)
0 new hospitalizations (0 current)
0 new ICU cases (0 current)
5 new cases (1109 total)
652 tests done
0 new recoveries (1033 total)
11 active cases (99% are officially concluded)
New Brunswick Update:
0 new deaths (6 total)
1 new hospitalization (5 current)
0 new ICU cases (0 current)
1 new cases (343 total)
2 new recoveries (299 total)
38 active cases (88.9% are officially concluded)
PEI Update:
0 new deaths (0 total)
0 new case (64 total)
0 new recoveries (64 total)
0 active cases (100% are officially concluded)
Newfoundland Update:
0 new deaths (4 total)
0 new hospitalizations (0 current)
0 new ICU cases (0 current)
0 new cases (291 total)
0 new recoveries (284 total)
3 active cases (99% are officially concluded)
Ontario Update:
9 new deaths (3136 total, 86 max April 30)
320 total hospitalizations (+6, 1043 max May 5)
73 total ICU cases (-2, 264 max April 9)
54 patients on ventilator (+2)
1015 new cases (75730 total, 1042 max Oct 25)
41920 tests done (2.42% positive, 48488 max Oct 8)
798 new recoveries (64717 total)
7877 active cases (50.7% under age 40, 12% over 70, 89.6% officially concluded)
There are 6 new cases in the Atlantic Bubble today, 5 in NS, 1 in NB (NS & NB reporting); NB reports 2 recoveries. Ontario numbers are updated. Of the new cases in NS, two are in the Western Zone, two are in Northern Zone and one in Central Zone. Four are related to travel outside Atlantic Canada and one is related to a previous case. All have been self-isolating as required. The new case in NB is an individual 19 and under in Zone 3 (Fredericton region), related to an international travel-related case and who is self-isolating. This case has been confirmed at Townsview School in Woodstock and the school community has been informed. Public Health is investigating and if you or a family member is determined to be a close contact of the case by Public Health, you will be notified by Public Health for contact tracing. Families will continue to receive updates from the school as decisions are made. This is 2 days in a row with 0 cases in zone 5 (Campbellton). This means there are 0 active cases in PEI, 11 in NS, 38 in NB and 3 in NFLD, none known to be related to the Atlantic Bubble itself. In NS, 53/65 (82%) NS deaths are from Northwood and 57/65 (88%) are from long term care in general (11 different facilities have reported cases, none have an active case). Yesterday, 652 tests were completed with 5 new cases reported.
From the Press Release:
"These new cases show that with the second COVID-19 wave happening, travel outside the Atlantic Bubble is more risky,” said Dr. Robert Strang, chief medical officer of health for Nova Scotia. “Our recent new cases are all related to travel. Nova Scotians should reduce non-essential travel outside of the Atlantic Bubble. In addition, having all Nova Scotians following the public health measures reduces the chance of the virus spreading when it does get here."
- NS has 65 deaths, making the death rate 65/1M population
- NB has 6 deaths, their rate is 7.7/1M
- PEI has 0 deaths
- NFLD has 4 deaths, their rate is 7.7/1M
- ON has 3136 deaths, their rate is 215/1M
- Canada's rate sitting at 269/1M
- Global rate is 153.1/1M
- US rate is 696/1M
- Austria rate is 125/1M
- Australia is 36/1M
- Spain is 764/1M
- Sweden is 580/1M
Notable points for today:
- Spain reported 278 deaths yesterday for an increase of 0.67%.
- Austria reports 27 deaths for an increase of 2.5%.
- Australia reports 0 deaths for an increase of 0%, 14/16 days have 0 deaths. 32/35 days are under 0.35%.
- The rate of increase in Canada is 0.36% with 36 deaths (17 QC, 9 ON, 3 MB, 5 AB, 1 BC). This marks 83/106 days at/under 0.15%, all but 4 under 0.35%.
- The US rate of increase is 0.46%. 37/44 days are at/under a 0.45% increase, 10 of them at/under 0.2%.
- Sweden's increase is 0.0% meaning 100 days in a row are at/under 0.1%. I'm not 100% sure what is happening with Sweden's data but it appears to always be about a day behind and when new deaths show, they are often re-distributed to the past. I can only assume it's because they are less focused on the current situation due to low case and death levels, and more focused on getting their overall data right which includes continuously evaluating medical data.