Nova Scotia Update: 0 new deaths (65 total) 0 new hospitalizations (1 current) 0 new ICU cases (1 current) 0 new cases (1087 total) 1015 tests done 0 new recoveries (1021 total) 1 active case (99.9% are officially concluded) New Brunswick Update: 0 new deaths (2 total) 0 new...

Nova Scotia Update: 0 new deaths (65 total) 0 new hospitalizations (1 current) 0 new ICU cases (1 current) 0 new cases (1087 total) 889 tests done 0 new recoveries (1021 total) 1 active case (99.9% are officially concluded) New Brunswick Update: 0 new deaths (2 total) 0 new...

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