NS COVID-19 Press Conference - September 22
Today, Premier McNeil and Dr Strang held a press conference to update on the COVID-19 situation in Nova Scotia. Here is a summary:
- There is 1 new case today, an essential worker connected to travel. It's evident COVID-19 can creep back in.
- The new case is in the western zone and recently travelled outside Canada. They appear to have few close contacts in Canada, but it's still under investigation.
- Post secondary student testing strategy is complete and went very well. Over 4000 students were tested, with only 1 true positive and 3 indeterminates. On campus testing sites will be open until October 5. We need to double down our efforts in public schools now.
- LTC restrictions are being eased further. Residents will now be able to spend time at home with their families, but a 2nd wave is coming and if we see a spike in cases or any evidence of a new outbreak, restrictions will have to be re-implemented. Beginning Sept 28, residents can enjoy offsite day visits with family, such as dinner at home. Must be pre-arranged with the LTC facility.
- Self Isolation requirements - If you live with someone that needs to isolate for any reason, no one in the household needs to isolate other than the person who is required to. Simply do your best within your home to keep your distance where possible. If you develop symptoms, then follow the 811 protocol.
- Arts and Sports gathering limits has been increased to 50 people as of October 5, without physical distancing. Performers, directors, coaches, officials etc... are included in the 50 (anyone required to be on or near the "field of play"). Activities such as singing and playing brass and wind instruments are not included, and must continue to physical distance due to the way COVID-19 spreads. This is for organized gatherings only, and not casual "pick up" hockey, for example, These casual, unorganized gatherings must remain at no more than 10 without physical distancing. The exception are pick-up casual ball hockey leagues (and other similar leagues) that have a consistent group of people and rent a specific space.
- No change for limits on fitness facilities
- Audiences and spectators - The new gathering limits does not apply here. Gathering limits for spectators are unchanged. They must physically distance and use available seating. The limits of 200 indoors and 250 outdoors for organized events are in play here. There have been reports of parents ignoring basic masking and distancing rules and being rude with facility staff. If this continues, Dr Strang is very comfortable removing the privilege of watching children play sports.