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Nova Scotia Update:
0 new deaths (67 total)
1 new hospitalization (3 current)
0 new ICU cases (0 current)
25 new cases (1856 total)
4562 tests done
14 new recoveries (1710 total)
79 active cases (95.7% are officially concluded)

New Brunswick Update:
1 new death (34 total)
0 new hospitalizations (15 current)
0 new ICU cases (5 current)
7 new cases (1804 total)
7 new recoveries (1631 total)
138 active cases (92.4% are officially concluded)

PEI Update:
0 new deaths (0 total)
0 new hospitalizations (1 total)
0 new cases (174 total)
0 new recoveries (161 total)
13 active cases (92.5% are officially concluded)

Newfoundland Update:
0 new deaths (6 total)
0 new hospitalizations (0 current)
0 new ICU cases (0 current)
1 new case (1049 total)
1 new recovery (1012 total)
27 active cases (97.4% are officially concluded)

Ontario Update:
32 new deaths (7789 total, 100 max Jan 15)
2335 total hospitalizations (2360 max Apr 20)
790 total ICU cases (790 max Apr 21)
566 patients on ventilator
4212 new cases (429123 total, 4812 max Apr 16)
60077 tests done (4% positive, 76472 max Jan 15)
4204 new recoveries (378417 total)
42917 active cases (54.2% under age 40, 6.6% over 70, 90% (-5.2%) officially concluded)

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There are 33 new cases in the Atlantic Provinces today, 25 in NS, 7 in NB, 1 in NFLD; NS reports 14 recoveries, NFLD reports 1, NB reports 7. Ontario numbers are updated. This means there are 13 active cases in PEI, 79 in NS, 138 in NB and 27 in NFLD. There are 5 people in ICU in NB. In NS, 53/67 (79%) NS deaths are from Northwood and 57/67 (85%) are from long term care in general. Yesterday, 4562 tests were completed with 25 (0.5% positive rate yesterday, 0.5% overall) new cases reported. Internationally, growth rate in deaths have once again dropped substantially in the US, whilst staying steady in Europe and a slight uptick in Canada.

From the Press Releases:

Nova Scotia

New Brunswick



- NS has 67 deaths, making the death rate 67/1M population
- NB has 34 deaths, their rate is 45.5/1M
- PEI has 0 deaths
- NFLD has 6 deaths, their rate is 11.5/1M
- ON has 7789 deaths, their rate is 537/1M
- Canada's rate sitting at 629/1M
- Global rate is 354/1M
- US rate is 1722/1M
- Austria rate is 1124/1M
- Australia is 36/1M
- Spain is 1658/1M
- Sweden is 1355/1M

Notable points for today:
- Spain reports 0 deaths, their reporting appears more erratic of late. 2 week rolling avg daily increase in deaths is 0.11% (-0.06%).
- Austria reports 37 deaths for an increase of 0.37%. 2 week rolling avg is 0.32% (+0.02%).
- Australia reports 0 deaths for an increase of 0%. They have but 1 death in 114 days.
- The rate of increase in Canada is 0.19% with 46 deaths. 2 week rolling avg is 0.17% (+0.04%).
- The US rate of increase is 0.14%. 2 week rolling avg is 0.15% (-0.06%).
- Sweden's 14 day rolling average daily increase is 0.07% (no change).

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