April 19 COVID-19 Update
Nova Scotia Update:
2 new deaths
0 new hospitalizations
0 new ICU cases, in fact 1 ICU case was moved back to a non-ICU bed
16 more people recovered (200 total)
The 2 new deaths today are once again, all from the Northwood long term care facility. NS has no deaths of anyone under 70 without underlying health conditions. The situation in long term care facilities, mainly Northwood is not good, but is quite clearly isolated to that sector. There is still no evidence of additional risk to the public and the current deaths are not indicative of a trend in the Province as a whole, but of the need to figure out what to do to improve the situation in these facilities. There is also second hand reports that at least one person that died at Northwood actually died of a heart condition but was labelled as a COVID-19 death anyway, since they had that diagnosis as well. Whilst we may never know the reality, I think it's very important to understand how things are being reported because that information is what drives fear and panic. What we don't know right now, is how many MORE people are dying as a direct result of COVID-19. Either way, we definitely need a better plan for these facilities.
- NS has 9 deaths, making the death rate 9/1M population
- Canada's rate sitting at 39/1M
- Global rate is 20.8/1M
- US rate is 119/1M
- Austria rate is 50/1M
- Spain is 427/1M
Notable points for today:
- Spain ticked up again but not that surprising after it's best day yet yesterday. Their rate of increase is still under 3%. Nice to see Austria ticking back down significantly, with some of their best numbers yet and a rate of increase also well under 3%.
- The rate of death in Canada took a swing upward, but the US took a large swing down again, their lowest daily increase in death rate since March 12. This up and down nature between Canada and the US further solidifies the fact we are right in the peak. Hopefully we see a more steady decline begin over the coming days.