April 26 COVID-19 Update
Nova Scotia Update:
2 new deaths
2 new hospitalizations
0 new ICU cases
8 new cases (873 total)
673 tests done
27 more people recovered (439 total)
410 active cases (decrease of 21, 47% of cases are active, 53% are concluded)
NS has 2 new deaths today, both of which are from Northwood. 18/24 of NS deaths are from Northwood and 22/24 are from long term care in general (10 different facilities are reporting cases). As it stands, 92% of deaths and 33% of all cases (292/873) are from long term care facilities. I suspect that we will see more from Northwood before measures they implemented will pay off. Outside of LTC, NS continues to perform very well, 673 tests were completed and only 8 new cases, some of which are no doubt in LTC. That itself is absolutely amazing news. The LTC issues are a failure within that system, and not a reflection of the performance of NS as a whole, which otherwise has just 2 deaths and under 600 cases. A note, over 53% of ALL cases since day 1 are now concluded, and this number is increasing daily.
- NS has 24 deaths, making the death rate 24/1M population
- Canada's rate sitting at 66/1M
- Global rate is 26.1/1M
- US rate is 162/1M
- Austria rate is 61/1M
- Spain is 486/1M
- Sweden is 214/1M
Notable points for today:
- Spain's increase down to its lowest level since their 1st reported death at just over 1%, and lowest single day total since March 21.
- Austria ticked up slightly with an increase just over 4%.
- The rate of death in Canada maintained itself in the 7% range, still slightly behind the curve vs the other countries, we hope to start seeing these increases consistently under 5% sooner than later
- The US ticked up slightly after their best day the previous day, with an increase of just over 4%
- Sweden dropped significantly and is now under 2%, their best day in 2 weeks.