April 27 COVID-19 Update
Nova Scotia Update:
0 new deaths
0 new hospitalizations, 1 released from hospital
0 new ICU cases
27 new cases (900 total)
645 tests done
70 more people recovered (509 total)
367 active cases (decrease of 43, 41% of cases are active, 59% are concluded)
NS has 0 new deaths today. As a reminder, 18/24 of NS deaths are from Northwood and 22/24 are from long term care in general (10 different facilities are reporting cases). As it stands, 92% of deaths and 33% of all cases (293/900) are from long term care facilities. Let's hope this is a sign the situation at Northwood is starting to improve. Outside of LTC, NS continues to perform very well, 645 tests were completed with 27 new cases reported. That itself is absolutely amazing news. A note, over 59% of ALL cases since day 1 are now concluded, and this number is increasing daily.
Note on the NS Case graph, I added a 4th metric. The orange line is "Total Active Cases". The gap between blue (total cases) and orange (active cases) continues to widen daily, which is further indication of the slow growth (flat curve) in total cases, as active cases decrease daily. This is a direct result of where the orange and green (total recoveries) intersect, which is the point where we now have more people recovered from infection than we do active infections themselves (367 active vs 509 recovered). I have also included a linear representation of this data, which tells the same story but removes the aspect of exponential growth. Recoveries outpacing new cases is about as good as the news can get!
- NS has 24 deaths, making the death rate 24/1M population
- Canada's rate sitting at 68/1M
- Global rate is 26.7/1M
- US rate is 167/1M
- Austria rate is 62/1M
- Spain is 493/1M
- Sweden is 215/1M
Notable points for today:
- Spain's increase still under 1.5%. Their last 3 days in a row have been their best 3 days yet, which is excellent news.
- Austria dropped way down with an increase of barely 1%, more amazing news.
- The rate of death in Canada dropped to under 4%, our best day since March 30, hopefully this is the start of the significant drop off we've been waiting for!
- The US dropped to just over 3%, the 2nd best day they have had since this all began
- Sweden had just 2 total deaths, meaning their rate of increase dropped to near 0%.
- This is easily the best day I've reported on so far, let's hope it continues!