Canada COVID-19 Statistics
Interesting National Statistics - I was unable to find any national data, specifically as it relates to deaths per age group. Rather than try and track this down province by province, I have collected data from Ontario and Quebec, which covers over 80% of cases and over 90% of deaths, so these 2 provinces are what is largely driving the national totals.
Here is some key data:
Cases by Age:
<60 - 57%
60+ - 43%
Deaths by Age (Quebec only, Ontario not reporting this data):
<60 - 3% (0 deaths <30)
60+ - 97%+ (73% are 80+)
Long Term Care (Ontario only):
78% of all deaths are in LTC facilities (Globe and Mail reports 79% across Canada)
Approx 80% of all active cases are in LTC facilities
Just thought I would share a couple of high level key metrics to help paint a clear picture of what, who and where the virus is having the most impact nationwide.