October 12 COVID-19 Update
Amazon PRIME DAY starts at midnight! It means EXCLUSIVE deals on loads of different products ONLY for PRIME account holders, and ONLY on October 13 & 14. CLICK HERE to activate your PRIME account - some of you will have a free 30 day trial available. If you don't, it's only $7.99/month and you can cancel anytime. So if you like, you can use it just for PRIME DAY and then cancel prior to the second month. You'll no doubt save a lot more than $7.99 on the deals, plus you get free 2 day shipping and access to Amazon PRIME Music and Video. Once you have your PRIME account all sorted, CLICK HERE to begin shopping, deals start at midnight tonight! What better time to get a head start on Christmas shopping? Every purchase through one of these links (including Prime activations) helps fund inFACT, thank you for the support!
Nova Scotia Update:
0 new deaths (65 total)
0 new hospitalizations (1 current)
0 new ICU cases (1 current)
0 new cases (1092 total)
235 tests done
0 new recoveries (1023 total)
4 active cases (99.6% are officially concluded)
New Brunswick Update:
0 new deaths (2 total)
0 new hospitalizations (5 current)
0 new ICU cases (1 current)
6 new cases (278 total)
1 new recovery (200 total)
76 active cases (72.7% are officially concluded)
PEI Update:
0 new deaths (0 total)
0 new cases (63 total)
0 new recoveries (60 total)
3 active cases (95.2% are officially concluded)
Newfoundland Update:
0 new deaths (4 total)
0 new hospitalizations (0 current)
0 new ICU cases (0 current)
1 new case (283 total)
1 new recovery (270 total)
9 active cases (96.8% are officially concluded)
Ontario Update:
0 new deaths (3005 total, 86 max April 30)
217 total hospitalizations (+-, 1043 max May 5)
51 total ICU cases (+-, 264 max April 9)
32 patients on ventilator (+-)
0 new cases (59139 total, 939 max Oct 9)
0 tests done (48488 max Oct 8)
0 new recoveries (50437 total)
5697 active cases (57% under age 40, 8.2% over 70, 90.4% officially concluded)
There are 7 new cases in the Atlantic Bubble (so far) today, 1 in NFLD, 6 in NB; NFLD and NB also report 1 recovery each. I will update throughout the day as each Province releases their numbers. The new NFLD case is a male in the Central Health region between 20-39 years of age. The new case is travel-related. The individual, a resident of NFLD, returned to the province from work in Alberta and has been self-isolating since arrival. In NB, there are 3 new cases in zone 1 (Moncton) and 3 new cases in zone 5 (Campbellton), all related to the existing outbreaks. This means there are 3 active cases in PEI, 4 in NS, 76 in NB and 9 in NFLD, none known to be related to the Atlantic Bubble itself. In NS, 53/65 (82%) NS deaths are from Northwood and 57/65 (88%) are from long term care in general (11 different facilities have reported cases, none have an active case). Yesterday, 235 tests were completed with 0 new cases reported.
From the Press Release:
- NS has 65 deaths, making the death rate 65/1M population
- NB has 2 deaths, their rate is 2.5/1M
- PEI has 0 deaths
- NFLD has 4 deaths, their rate is 7.7/1M
- ON has 3005 deaths, their rate is 206/1M
- Canada's rate sitting at 256/1M
- Global rate is 138.8/1M
- US rate is 651/1M
- Austria rate is 97/1M
- Spain is 702/1M
- Sweden is 576/1M
Notable points for today:
- Spain reported 0 deaths yesterday for an increase of 0%. They don't report on weekends.
- Austria reports 4 deaths for an increase of 0.47%.
- The rate of increase in Canada is 0.05% with 5 deaths (3 QC, 1 ON, 1 SK). This marks 80/87 days at/under 0.15%.
- The US rate of increase is 0.18%. 20/25 days are at/under a 0.45% increase, 7 of them at/under 0.2%.
- Sweden's increase is 0.0% meaning 49/53 days are at/under 0.05%, all of them at/under 0.1%.