April 26 COVID-19 Update

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Nova Scotia Update: 2 new deaths 2 new hospitalizations 0 new ICU cases 8 new cases (873 total) 673 tests done 27 more people recovered (439 total) 410 active cases (decrease of 21, 47% of cases are active, 53% are concluded) NS has 2 new deaths today, both of which...

April 25 COVID-19 Update

Written by on in tags: COVID-19, Daily Update

Nova Scotia Update: 6 new deaths (15 new cases) 0 new hospitalizations 0 new ICU cases 20 more people recovered (412 total) 431 active cases (decrease of 11) NS has 6 new deaths today, 5 of which are from Northwood. 16/22 of NS deaths are from Northwood and 20/...

Update on the Antibody situaton I have been following closely as reporting on: Researchers completed an antibody study in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Details on the specifics are scant at the moment, but the results are that approximately 6% of the county has the antibodies, which is 16x the number of...

April 24 COVID-19 Update

Written by on in tags: COVID-19, Daily Update

Nova Scotia Update: 0 new deaths (23 new cases) 1 new hospitalization 0 new ICU cases, 1 ICU case moved back to regular bed 34 more people recovered (392 total) 0 new deaths today which is excellent news. 11/16 of NS deaths are from Northwood and 15/16 are...